

编辑部@ WWD 国际时尚特讯 2023-03-09

就销售额和市场份额而言,中国已是全球第二大美妆市场。拥抱数字时代的新型消费者和他们的强大购买力推动中国美妆市场欣欣向荣,2020 年,中国美容市场规模已经增长至 450.2 亿人民币,并保持着12%的年平均增长率。至 2025 年,这一市场规模将达到近 800 亿之巨。



作为 WWD 旗下的全球领先美妆产业媒体和市场洞察机构,BeautyINC 美妆观察立足中国本土市场,以中国思维结合国际视野,不仅洞悉美妆产业宏观趋势和微观动态,更对企业、市场和消费者各端都发挥着重要影响。在与美妆产业集群行业龙头东方美谷达成战略合作之后,集合双方之优势,必将为中国本土美妆行业发展带来变革性推动。


位于上海奉贤区的东方美谷是中国最大的化妆品和健康产业中心,目前已进驻超过 3000 个国内外品牌,是与法国厄尔-卢瓦尔省和卢瓦雷省的化妆品谷以及日本大阪斋藤生命科学园并驾齐驱的世界级美妆产业高地。


东方美谷拥有保税仓及美谷美购电子商务平台等优势资源,依托奉贤区政府及政策的支持,能从政策、人才、科技、用地、电子商务平台等多维角度为品牌进入中国的每一步提供个性化的解决方案。其中包括设计无需在中国境内展开经营的跨境电商方案,介绍最新的社交电商机遇,设立代表处帮助品牌在中国市场站稳脚跟,寻找合作伙伴及协助企业在中国设立外商独资企业 (WOFE) 或合资企业 (JV),为海关、企业用地等问题提供切实可行的解决策略。

面向希望借势中国美妆大潮的国际美妆公司,我们的专家团队将会针对中国的最新市场趋势提供全面的概述,从跨境电商到最新的社交电商趋势,从中国美妆消费者行为的深度洞察到增长最快品类及其市场份额的分析。凭借 WWD china、BeautyINC 美妆观察和东方美谷的联合资源,以及我们强势的国际媒体网络及优秀的专家团队,我们将为美妆品牌提供个性化的策略服务及传播支持,助力品牌讲好中国故事,进一步在全球及中国美妆市场提升品牌美誉度。


BeautyINC China and its parent company Chinamind NEXT are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with one of China's largest global beauty industry clusters and industry leader, Oriental Beauty Valley (OBV), to jointly launch an exciting new service offering international beauty brands a one-stop solution to enter the Chinese beauty market.

The dynamism of China’s beauty sector is being driven by a new kind of consumer who is responding to the digital explosion and the purchasing power of a new generation of consumers.

In 2020, the Chinese beauty market grew to RMB 45.02 billion (around $6.34 billion), with a continuing average annual growth rate of 12 percent. By 2025, this market will reach nearly 80 billion RMB.

China is poised to overtake the US as the world's largest economy in the coming years and is destined to remain the global growth engine.

However, entering the Chinese market is a challenge for many international beauty brands of all types and sizes, and it is critical to understand this huge and complex market and find the right way to enter it.

As the leading global beauty industry media and market insight agency Within WWD, BeautyINC China combines a profound knowledge of the Chinese market and mindset with an international perspective, not only understanding the macro trends and micro dynamics of the beauty industry, but also playing an important role in influencing companies, markets and consumers at all levels. After establishing a strategic partnership with Oriental Beauty Valley (OBV), the leading beauty industry cluster, the combined strengths of both parties will bring a transformative boost to the development of China's local beauty industry.

The primary plan of the strategic cooperation is to provide a one-stop solution for international beauty brands of all sizes to enter and expand into the Chinese market.

Located in Shanghai’s Fengxian District, Oriental Beauty Valley (OBV) is China’s largest cosmetics and health industry hub with more than 3,000 brands from both China and abroad and is on par with France’s Cosmetic Valley in Eure-et-Loir and Loiret, and Japan’s Saito Life Science Park in Osaka one of the most important global players.

With state of the art resources from bonded warehouses to the unique Beauty Valley e-commerce platform and the strong support of Fengxian District government and favourable policies, Oriental Beauty Valley is able to provide personalized solutions for brands at every step of their China entry strategy, from latest policies and regulations, talent search, technology sourcing, land and e-commerce platform solutions. 

These include designing tailor-made cross-border e-commerce solutions that do not require to set up operations in China, sharing insights on the latest social e-commerce opportunities, setting up representative offices to help brands gain a foothold in the Chinese market, finding partners and assisting companies in setting up wholly foreign owned enterprises (WOFE) or joint ventures (JV) in China, and providing practical solutions to issues such as customs regulations and land for setting up business.

For international beauty companies looking to capitalize on the Chinese booming beauty market, our team of experts will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest market trends in China, from cross-border e-commerce to the latest social e-commerce trends, from in-depth insights into Chinese beauty consumption behaviors to analysis of the fastest growing categories and their market shares. 

With the combined resources of BeautyINC China and Oriental Beauty Valley,our strong international media network and team of experts, we are able to provide personalized strategic services and communication support for beauty brands to help them tell their China story and further enhance their brand reputation in the global and Chinese beauty markets.

We look forward to working with you to enable more international beauty companies to maximize their potential in China, the world's most promising beauty market, through this unique and promising opportunity.  WWD 

撰文  华意明天内容中心

编辑  杨木木

图片来源 网络

